Friday, July 22, 2011

Welcome and Thank You!!!

The next few weeks are going to be so exciting!! There will be giveaways, coupons for everyone to use around the US & Canada, and I will be featuring specials for the readers!!

My goal in all of this will be how to serve my followers better..I LOVE TO HELP OTHERS!!! I want to here from all of you...Give me feedback..Tell me what you want!!

Starting all of this was due to growing up in a large family with hand-me-downs, coupon-ing, garage sales, and thrift store deals...My family has always tried to find the best deal on name brand's..Growing up in the Silicon Valley, finding good deals was hard at times, but, I want to show proof to all of you..THERE IS A WAY!!!

Sarah Madrigal
Living 4 Coupons